
  • Michael Halmar Kosasi Magister Teknik Sipil Universitas Kristen Petra
  • Andi Andi Magister Teknik Sipil Universitas Kristen Petra
  • Lie Arijanto



change order, aspek dalam prosedur, frekuensi kejadian, tingkat kesetujuan, aspects of the procedure, frequency of occurrence, level of interest


Change order merupakan perubahan kondisi kontrak yang mengubah harga, dan schedule proyek. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukan claim change order mencapai 50% dari keseluruhan claim, dimana 76% diantaranya merupakan change order lisan dan separuhnya mengalami kegagalan claim. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui berbagai aspek dalam prosedur change order. Metode penelitian yaitu dengan membuat kuesioner berdasarkan literatur terhadap “frekuensi kejadian” dan “tingkat kepentingan”. Data dianalisa deskriptif untuk mendalami kondisi proyek dan literatur beserta penyebabnya secara mendalam, yang kemudian dilakukan analisa perbedaan kontraktor dan MK melalui uji T-Test. Berdasarkan analisa diketahui saat identifikasi, change order diprakarsai owner, kontraktor, MK dengan site instruction, selanjutnya kontraktor harus mengajukan proposal gambar, spesifikasi, harga, dokumentasi. Selanjutnya owner akan mengevaluasi harga satuan dan mengukur volume bersih berdasar perubahan gambar. Pada tahapan approval, owner memberikan tanda tangan berdasarkan harga yang disetujui. Payment dilakukan dengan invoice terpisah sesuai progress change order beserta biaya tidak langsung, sedangkan tambahan waktu diberikan dalam hari kalender


Change orders are changes in contract conditions change prices, and the project schedule. Previous research shows change order claims reaches 50% of total claim, where 76% given in verbal, and half have failed. The research objective is to determine the various aspects of the change order procedure. The research method is to create a questionnaire based on the literature of the "frequency of occurrence" and "level of interest". Data were analyzed descriptively to explore the conditions of the project and literature and how it happens, analyzed the differences contractors and MK through T-Test. Based on the analysis found that identification phase, change orders initiated by the owner, the contractor, MK with site instruction, then the contractor must submit a proposal drawings, specifications, price, documentation. Next phase, owner will evaluate the unit price and measuring the net volume based on changes drawing. At approval phase, owner provides a signature based on the agreed price. Payment is done by a separate invoice based on progress including  indirect costs, while additional time is given in calendar days.


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How to Cite

Kosasi, M. H., Andi, A., & Arijanto, L. (2019). ANALISA ASPEK-ASPEK DALAM PROSEDUR CHANGE ORDER PADA PROYEK KONSTRUKSI. Dimensi Utama Teknik Sipil, 6(1), 9–16.


